Rules for Tomorrowland

General Conduct: Please use common sense and respect others' right to enjoy the event. Remember that any activity which is illegal outside the event is still illegal inside the event. Your badge or membership token remains property of the event until after the event. If at any time a security staff member requests it from you, you MUST provide it. Event Staff may ask you to stop an activity or take it to a private room. Repeat offenders may be required to leave the event. Please also note that the event staff retains the right to deny entry to anyone and that you can be asked to leave at any time without warning or particular infraction to these stated rules of conduct.

Media Policy: In order to protect the privacy of our attendees we have decided not to allow ANY media coverage at the event without PRIOR written approval. By signing this agreement you are agreeing not to act as media agents in any way during or after our event.

Taking photos or making recordings for private use is permitted.

Any person or persons who do act as media agents during or after the event agrees to pay a $8000.00 fee to the event.

Hotel: As a convention attendee, you are a guest of the hotel and must abide by the hotel's rules and policies whenever you are on the premises. If you are expelled from the hotel for violation of their rules, you immediately forfeit your event membership.

You are responsible for any damage you cause to hotel property.

The event space and public spaces within the hotel are not sleeping areas. This includes hallways, the lobby, and public restrooms.

Harassment and Assault: Harassment is defined as any behavior that intentionally annoys or alarms another person. This includes making any unwanted physical contact, following someone around a public area without a legitimate reason, or threatening to physically attack someone. Please remember that if you approach someone and they tell you "no" or to leave them alone, your business with them is done. If you do not leave them alone as they have requested, your actions may be grounds for a complaint of harassment. If you feel that you are being harassed, or you have been assaulted, please report the matter immediately to event security. If Luka steals your shoes please punish with rolled up newspaper.

Weapons: Blade weapons such as daggers and swords are acceptable provided they have been peacebonded such that they obviously cannot be drawn. Water guns of any sort are NOT acceptable, even when obviously not real weapons, due to the potential for damage to hotel property, etc. Silly String is subject to the same restrictions for the same reasons. We would prefer that guns, if brought to the event, be kept discretely.

Underage Members: Minors under the age of 16 will not be permitted at this event without parental permission.

Violations and Appeals: Violation of these policies will be handled by Event Staff as deemed appropriate. Violators will be asked to cease and desist. Violators may be asked to exit the event. Disciplinary action may be appealed to the Event Directors. Decisions made by a majority of Event Directors are final.